
Showing posts from June, 2010

Flying through the cloud

The concept behind cloud computing started off as ‘utility-based computing’, allowing a company to buy CPU cycles, storage and other IT resources. Advances in the area of virtualization and remote access (e.g. Server Based Computing ,HTML5) since then paved the road for more complex services to be delivered by using internet protocols. Not only technicians have embraced the cloud concept. Marketeers have burned the midnight oil to translate the whole technology stack into ‘as a service’ solution (illustration 1). An overview of the cloud solutions offered. RaaS: Rackspace as a Service HaaS: Hardware as a Service PaaS: Platform as a Service IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service DaaS: Desktop as a Service DPaaS: Data Protection as a Service MaaS: Mobility as a Service STaaS: STorage as a Service SaaS: Software as a Service BPaaS: Business Process as a Service AaaS or XaaS: Anything as a Service For many of the mentioned solutions the marketing fluff still outweighs the underlyi...

The Indian economic development in a nutshell

I recently started to write a book and I will publish parts in the coming months on this blog. The working title of the book will be:  Orchestrating the IT value chain and provides my experience and vision on improving the performance of IT and alignment with the business. This blog is about the effects globalisation had on the country I lived in for an year: India. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, countries such as India, China and Russia began to open up their economies to the world. This enhanced collaboration across the globe and kick started an unprecedented economic growth within India. Until the 1980s, Indian policy makers enforced a strict industry policy which resembled in many ways the ‘plan economies’ of communistic countries. By nationalizing companies and regulating the amount of output a company or industry could produce, the government tried to develop the country from a society of farmers to an industrialized country. In line with this policy imposed the g...