
Showing posts from August, 2010

The CIO agenda of tomorrow, part I

One of the effects of the recent economic meltdown is American and Western European consumers looking for cheaper products. Many are shaken and struggle to pay off existing loans, let alone feel comfortable to engage new ones. At the same time are billions of consumers in Asia, South America and in a lesser extent Africa, entering the middle class. But a middle class which can only afford cheap products. Companies react to these developments by producing cheaper products and services, like the one Lac (2,000 dollar) car from Tata. In the Harvard Business Review article ‘Innovation’s Holy Grail’, C.K. Prahalad and R.A. Mashelkar argue that this change in demand requires companies to think differently about innovation. Where traditional innovation is built on the assumption of abundance in capital, knowledge and other resources, will future innovation be driven by the need to build more products with fewer resources. According to the authors, companies should focus on ‘affordability ...